Encore Archive
Here you will find a backlist of Encore articles. Just click and go!
Eugene Borowitz, At the Beginning (Sh'ma issue 1/1
November 9, 1970)
Norman Lamm, Ecology, the Work of Creation (Sh'ma
trial issue 1, May 22, 1970)
Jacob Neusner, Overselling Jewish Studies (Sh'ma
trial issue 2, June 9, 1970)
Art Green, Conservatism -- the Issue is not Law
(Sh'ma 2/23, December 31, 1971)
Julius Kravetz, The right to privacy (Sh'ma 2/29,
March 24, 1972)
Emanuel Feldman, Creating Liturgy: Some Questions
(Sh'ma 2/28, March 10, 1972)
Baruch Raskas, Creating Liturgy: A Response (Sh'ma
2/28, March 10, 1972)
Norman Lamm, The Talmud and the Tapes (Sh'ma 3/60,
November 2, 1973)
Menachem Kellner, Should g-d exist? (Sh'ma 4/66,
January 25, 1974)
Levi Kelman, Yoga as a Way to Kavvanah (Sh'ma
4/74, May 17, 1974)
Arnold Jacob Wolf, The Sin against Persons (Sh'ma
4/77, September 20, 1974)
Eliezer Berkovitz, Not Chaos but Creation...hence
Meaning (Sh'ma 5/96, September 5, 1975)
Harold Schulweis, The Meaning We Create (Sh'ma
5/96, September 5, 1996)
Steven Schwarzschild, The Question of Jewish Ethics
Today (Sh'ma 7/124, December 24, 1976)
Gerald Blidstein, The non-Jew in Jewish Ethics --
(Sh'ma 7/125)
Norbert Samuelson, The Ethics of Preferring Jews
(Sh'ma 7/125)
Michael Wyschogrod, The Particularism of Jewish Ethics
(Sh'ma 7/125)
Josephine Knopp, What are Writers Doing to the
Holocaust (Sh'ma 7/133, April 29, 1977)
Jonathan Woocher, Martin Buber, the Politics of
Dialogue (Sh'ma 8/152, April 14, 1978)
Eugene B. Borowitz, Buber and his Jewish Critics
(Sh'ma 8/152, April 14, 1978)
Arnold Jacob Wolf, The Social Agenda Buber Has Left Us
(Sh'ma 8/152, April 14, 1978)
Eliezer Berkovitz, The Jewish Claim to Jewish Land
(Sh'ma 8/157, September 15,1978)
Lawrence L. Langer, The Art of the Concentration Camps
(Sh'ma 8/159, September 29, 1978)
Leo Pfeffer, Church, State, and the Jewish Community
(Sh'ma 8/160, October 13,1978)
Seymour Siegel, Needed, a Church-State Accomodation
(Sh'ma 8/160, October 13, 1978)
Zalman Posner, Modernity Must Make Room for Modesty
(Sh'ma 9/161, November 10, 1978)
Shaina Sarah Handelman, The Paradoxes of Privacy
(Sh'ma 9/161, November 10, 1978)
Laura Geller, Modesty is Expressed in Many Fashions
(Sh'ma 9/162, November 24, 1978)
Mark S. Golub, A Shmues with I.B. Singer (Sh'ma
9/162, November 24, 1978)
Mark S. Golub, A Shmues with I.B. Singer (Part II)
(Sh'ma 9/163, December 8, 1978)
Ralph Dolgoff, The Jewish Birthrate: the Basic Two ...
? (Sh'ma 9/168, February 16,1979)
Judith Zimmerman, Or Should I Have a Third Child?
(Sh'ma 9/168, February 16,1979)
Paula E. Hyman, We Need Quality More Than Quantity
(Sh'ma 9/168, February 16,1979)
Michael Wyschogrod, Love Your (Gentile) Neighbor
(Sh'ma 9/175, May 25, 1979)
Balfour Brickner, Silent Hate Is Also a Sin (Sh'ma
9/175, May 25, 1979)
Lynn Gottlieb, Tikkun Hatzot, A Night of Mending
(Sh'ma 9/176, September 7, 1979)
Harold Schulweis, An Appeal to Two Troubled
Communities (Sh'ma 9/177, September 21,1979)
Arnold Wolf, The Sin Against Persons (Sh'ma
4/77, September 20, 1974)
Arnold Wolf, The Holocaust as Temptation (Sh'ma
9/180, November 2, 1979)
Michael Berenbaum, The Holocaust as Commandment
(Sh'ma 9/180, November 2, 1979)
Yaffa Eliach , The Holocaust as Obligation and Excuse
(Sh'ma 9/181, November 16, 1979)
Eliezer Berkovits, He called them "god's
cossacks" (Sh'ma 10/183, December 14,1979)
Irving Greenberg, Cossacks and peace, another view
(Sh'ma 10/187, February 8, 1980)
Eliezer Berkovits, Peace now: a response to my critics
(Sh'ma10/189, March 7, 1980)
Bernard Farber, The Jewish family: so what else is new
(Sh'ma 10/183, December 14, 1979)
Nora Levin, What we learned from the 70's (Sh'ma
10/184, December 28,1979)
Arnold Wolf, What we learned from the 70's (Sh'ma
10/184, December 28,1979)
David Novak, What we learned from the 70's (Sh'ma
10/184, December 28,1979)
Michael Wyschogrod, What we learned from the 70's
(Sh'ma 10/184, December 28,1979)
Balfour Brickner, What we learned from the 70's
(Sh'ma 10/185, January 11, 1980)
Arnold Wolf and Nora Levin, What we learned from the
70's (Sh'ma 10/185, January 11, 1980)
David Novak, What we learned from the 70's
(Sh'ma10/185, January 11,1980)
Stanley Hauerwas, The Holocaust and the Duty to
Forgive (Sh'ma 10/198, October 3, 1980)
Marjorie Yudkin, Our Readers Respond to Hauerwas
(Sh'ma 11/202, November 28, 1980)
Trude Weiss-Rosmarin, The Duty to Do Justice
(Sh'ma 11/202, November 28, 1980)
Stanley Hauerwas, In Response: Forgiveness and
Forgetting (Sh'ma 10/198, October 3, 1980)
Eliezer Berkovits, Rewriting the Holocaust (Sh'ma
10/198, October 3, 1980)
Jonathan Sarna, On the Myth of the Jewish President
(Sh'ma )
Joseph C. Kaplan, Discussing Niddah, Mikveh, Family
Purity (Sh'ma 11/205, January 9, 1980)
Mindy Ganz-Ribner, Observance Despite Reservations
(Sh'ma11/205, January 9, 1980)
Anonymous, When the Mitzvah Lost its Meaning
(Sh'ma11/205, January 9, 1980)
Blu Greenberg, Integrating Mikveh and Modernity
(Sh'ma11/205, January 9, 1980)
Laura Geller, Mikveh Is Not a Viable Mitzvah For Me
(Sh'ma 11/205, January 9, 1980)
Jeffrey Dekro, Energy is a Religious Issue (Sh'ma
11/208, February 20,1981)
Marian Henriquez Neudel, In Praise of Guilt
(Sh'ma, 13/256, September 2, 1983)
Susan Handelman, Authentic Judaism = Authentic Halacha
(Sh'ma, 11/206, January 23, 1981)
Harold M. Schulweis, In Defense of Orthodoxy
(Sh'ma 11/211, April 3, 1981)
Nosson Scherman, Non-Negotiable Judaism (Sh'ma
11/211, April 3, 1981)
Walter Wurzberger, On Religious Pluralism (Sh'ma
11/211, April 3, 1981)
J. David Bleich, Should a Jew Sell Guns? (Sh'ma
11/214, May 15, 1981)
Daniel Elazar, Ze'ev Jabotinsky: 100 Years (Sh'ma
11/214, May 15, 1981)
Richard Hirsh, Kaplan, a Teacher for Our Generation
(Sh'ma 11/214, May 15, 1981)
Michael Berenbaum, Teach it to Your Children
(Sh'ma 11/213 May 1, 1981)
Balfour Brickner, Farewell to Jewish Bureaucracy
(Sh'ma 11/207, February 6, 1981)
Diane K. Lavett, I Came to Judaism for Mitzvot
(Sh'ma 11/217, September 18, 1981)
Martha Ackelsberg, Feminism: Giving Birth to a New
Judaism (Sh'ma 11/216, September 4, 1981)
Arnold Jacob Wolf, Yeshiah Leibowitz's Radical
Orthodoxy (Sh'ma, 11/215, May 29, 1981)
Shaina Sara Handelman, Unifying the Self through
Halacha (Sh'ma 11/217, September 18, 1981)
Sharon Strassfeld, Day Schools and the Jewish Birth
Rate (Sh'ma 11/219, October 16, 1981)
David Resnik, Theophany in the Movie Theater
(Sh'ma 11/225, January 8, 1982)
Eric I. B. Beller, Noah and the Ethics of
Environmentalism (Sh'ma 12/221, November 13, 1981)
Julian L. Simon, Rethinking the Population Explosion
(Sh'ma 12/221, November 13, 1981)
David Novak, The Opposition to Circumcision (Sh'ma
12/227, May 20, 1982)
Arnold Jacob Wolf, The Testament of Jean-Paul Sartre
(Sh'ma 12/231, April 2, 1982)
Michael Wyschogrod, Heidegger, The Limits of
Philosophy (Sh'ma 12/231, April 2, 1982)
Howard Burnham, The New Jewish Wanderings (Sh'ma
12/231, April 2, 1982)
Melvin M. Landau, In Search of Care for the
Handicapped (Sh'ma 13/241, November 12, 1982)
Daniel J. Elazar, Statehood: Judaism's Ultimate Test
(Sh'ma 13/243, December 10, 1982)
Roger C. Klein, A Monotheism Which Compels Pluralism
(Sh'ma 13/243, December 10, 1982)
Shubert Spero, The Logical Limits of Jewish Ecumenism
(Sh'ma 13/243, December 10, 1982)
David Novak, Jewish Tradition is Not Unitary
(Sh'ma 13/245, January 7, 1983)
Harold M. Schulweis, The Limits of Spero's Argument
(Sh'ma 13/245, January 7, 1983)
Seymour Siegel, Pluralism: The Fruit of Democracy
(Sh'ma 13/245, January 7, 1983)
Susan Schnurr, A Consumer Approach to Marriage (Sh'ma 13/246,
January 21, 1983)
Ellen Lewis, The Priorities of a Woman Rabbi (from Sh'ma 13/250, March
18, 1983)
Judith Bleich, Male or Female, Are They "Rabbis"? (from Sh'ma 13/250, March
18, 1983)
Laura Geller, Leading an Unintended Revolution (from Sh'ma 13/250, March
18, 1983)
Fischel Pearlmutter, Will Egalitarianism Compel the R.A.? (from Sh'ma 13/250, March
18, 1983)
Mitchell Cohen, The End of Zionist Ideology? (from Sh'ma 13/252, April
15, 1983)
Eric H. Yoffie, Promoting Racism in Israel (from Shma
13/252 , April 15, 1983)
Eugene Borowitz, Emil Fackenheim as Lurianic Philosopher (from Shma
13/254, May 13, 1983)
Arnold Wolf, The Revisionism of Irving Greenberg (from Shma
13/254, May 13, 1983)
David Singer, Who Are Todays Modern Orthodox? (from Shma
13/257, September 16, 1983)
Fox, Change Is Not Modern in Jewish Law (from Shma 13/257,
September 16, 1983)
Jacobs, Halachah and History: Separate Realms (from
Shma 13/258, September 30, 1983)
Neusner, Facing the Need for Women Rabbis (from
Shma 13/259, October 14, 1983)
Paul Plotkin, Losing Conservative Judaism (from
Shma 13/259, October 14, 1983)
Solomon Bernards, Jewish-Christian Relations in America (from
Shma 13/260, October 28, 1983)
Geoffrey Wigoder, Interfaith: An Israeli Perspective (from
Shma 13/260, October 28, 1983)
Seymour Siegel, Mordecai M. Kaplan,
(from Sh'ma 14/263, December 9, 1983)
George Silver, The Chilling Fate of the Maccabees (from Sh'ma 14/263, December 9, 1983)
Judith Bleich, The Symbolism in Innovative Rituals (from Shma 14/264, December 23, 1983)
Jane Litman, In Defense of Liturgical Creativity (from Shma 14/264, December 23, 1983)
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