Encore ArchiveWelcome to Encore, the place where you will find the latest thoughts and reflections by CLAL faculty and associates on topics of the moment. Each week you will find something new and (hopefully) engaging here! To access the CLAL Encore Archive, click here.To join the conversation at CLAL Encore Talk, click here.![]() Tikkun Hatzot, Night Mending, A CeremonyLynn Gottlieb (Shma 9/176, September 7, 1979)The House fell at midnight stone by stone fire burned the Inner Place part of God became exiled-in-the-world. She is called: Shechinah: She-Who-Dwells-Within In the desert She made a home of the Mish-kan. In Jerusalem She made a home of Bet HaMikdash. She dwells within each of us She is that part which yearns for wholeness restoration and mending: Tikkun. How do we bring Her into the world and into ourselves? What rituals do we use what words what deeds what intentions? The mystics used the stories of Rachel and Leah to bring Shechinah into the world and into themselves. They called this ritual: Night Mending: Tikkun Hatzot: repairing and bringing together through the stories of Rachel and Leah. Rachel represents sorrow, dispersion, weeping, exile: Galut. She weeps for all that is separate and undone, for the uncaring way of the world, and through the weeping Rachel releases Rachamin: the compassionate aspect of God, the watery flow until the weeping itself becomes the comfort and leads you out of sorrow. . . and allows you to see. Leah represents joy, coming together, laughter, return: TIKKUN. As we pass through the weeping (for we are the Hebrews, the ivrim the ones who pass through) we work on our vision of wholeness; We intend the sexual coming together of Yisrael- Leah like the joining of Shechinah with all other God aspects: Y'hud Shechinta we intend to understand the mystical meaning of the names Leah gave to her children Rachel-Ya-akov: the heel, the grounded one, the earthbound, the one, who loves Rachel outside the land, the one who follows her children into exile ... Leah-Yisrael: the God-seer, the released vision, the dreamer of ladders, in the land ... The following is a selection from the ritual of Tikkun Hatzot taken from versions of the 18th - 19th centuries and woven together with Binah, with the intuitive landscape, with the midrashic imagination of this author ... Rachel-Leah, the known and the unknown, the revealed and the hidden, two sisters, two aspects of Shechinah may they come together quickly in our days. . . amen. Tikkun Rachel: Mending through Rachel's tears At midnight rise go to the door take off your shoes wrap your head touch ashes to brow in place of tefillin roll your eyes in the dust just as Shechinah herself-without eyes blind from weeping. Sit on a stone scattered road in between by ways near the crossing of two streams and weep for all that is separate and undone for loss and pain weep for the sadness of exile until dust turns to praise. Shechinah remembers the first time Her people were exiled the Inner House open to the world the Outer House in flames She was forced to wander ... The halls of heaven began to fill. They assembled before the throne the sages and prophets, the judges and royalty the righteous ones, even the angels and the holy souls of the unborn ... all pleading with their own righteous deeds begging God to return the people to Jerusalem, to rebuild the House. But no one could stir God from the aspect of harsh judgment to the aspect of compassion, no one, not even the letters in the Torah, not even Abraham, Isaac, Jacob not even the messiah. When all seemed lost, as the veil of Harsh Judgment turned to stone Our mother, our sister, our friend Rachel wailed out to the wall of God: Adonai remember when your servant Jacob served seven years to attain my love in marriage and on the night of my wedding, my father planned to replace me with Leah, and I warned Jacob of the plan and we exchanged signs to know each other ... but afterwards, when I saw Leah, and saw her shame I knew I had to give my signs to my sister so I allowed her into my tent, with my lover… and if I, who am a flesh and blood woman overcame jealousy with compassion for my own enemy then how can You, the Loving Merciful One allow Yourself to be jealous of idols, of wood and stone. Rachel began weeping one of her tears broke down the wall of stones and touched the throne of God God turned into compassions watery flow,Gathered the torn shreds of wandering And returned Israel to the land. Here ends Tikkun Rachel. Song of Ascent spiraling song of return Tzion dreamers spilling joy the nations remark: their Lord did well with them our Lord did well with us a great thing returning us stream by stream to the desert of our birth we went laying our seed cry in the ground we come home carrying the smile harvest of return ..."Behold, in the morning, it was Leah." Leahsoft eyedseeing the inside truth of things symbol of Binah Mother Source of intuition holding thought until it ripens into word-deed Leah concealed in the upper worlds hidden behind soft eyes veiled in marriage joined to Ya-acov in darkness buried with Yisrael in a cave her name contains the yearning of Shechinah for Oneness to be revealedand restored to her rightful place above the Keter-Throne of God. Ya-acov loved Rachel and hated Leah he did not understand her he had no dreams outside the holy land. but Leah understood his dream of ladders Leah saw Yisrael inside of Ya-acov. Leah saw the vision of Shechinah passed down to her by her mother at the well. This is Leah's story: Mother when you died the women came hair tearing hand wailing clothes shredded black tongue noises rising their voices stirred up the hidden signs which I alone remember. I remember once after the rains you took us on a journey far from home we walked with the moon for many days our steps turned sand to fire our path brought us to a distant land I remember one morning as the sun broke on the edge of the world You sat near a well of waters smiled a memory and spoke of the old one Rachmaya the womb flow the old one who came here before joining-man time before entering man's tent. The old one revealed the secret of the well the hidden signs of She-Who-Dwells-Within Shechinah. Mother touched hand to water and sang us Shechinah's song which she heard from Rachmaya by this well: "I am She-Who-Dwells-Within and seeks the Lover beyond I am She who waits for mountain of fire to merge with flowing springs I am She who streams with the hidden lights and calls at the gate of the world to Him beyond when will He answer My calling when fire joins water and holy land joins holy people when the world's great yearning for a lost One releases the flow upward. Go spread My word to those who wait by the well for one of you will hear and understand. One of you will unite your seed with a man who knows Me by a different name. I will make you a great nation but my covenant with you will be revealed through the hidden way, Go, tell them Shechinah sends you She-Who-Dwells-Within Shechinah . . . " In her old age, alone with her daughter Dinah, her seventh child, alone in the land, Ya-acov in exile following Rachel's children down into Egypt, into the narrows, Leah passes the well story to her child of journeys, Dinah: One within the other God within God God surrounding God YeHU-D-ah one sees undresses the moment sees again peels off another layer hinting at the mystery which lies above climbing the ladders onebodymind inside another She-Who-Dwells-Within unfolds God in the world ... Guider of the World, with strenuous intentions and a devoted heart I intend my whole being a chariot for Tiferet a House for Shechinah so that I can blend, restore, unite the male and female Presence in the name of all Yisrael to create in myself and the world the return of the first Adam-androgynous being the One of all generations amen selah. morning breaks on the wings of Mother Shechinah rises up with the dawn selah hallelujah! here ends Tikkun Leah ![]() To join the conversation at CLAL Encore Talk, click here.To access the CLAL Encore Archive, click here.![]() |