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  Sharp Software Secure Order Form

  New! Order and pay nothing for 30 days!   Details

Note: All customer information is encrypted and stored on our secure server for processing. We carefully protect your personal information. If you prefer to order by phone, please call 802-785-2993, or print this form and mail or fax it to us. Fax no. 802-785-9804. We accept checks.

     Product description: Quantity Price each: Extension
1040 Review 2008 (Receive '07 version FREE with this order) '08 tax year version begins shipping in December 2008 and continues throughout January 2009.  Release date depends on tax software you are importing from.
Includes money-back guarantee and 30 day free trial.  If you need a CD, (instead of downloading) indicate on Shipping & handling line below.
Shipping & handling - enter # of CD's.  FREE if downloading! $ 40
* required field    Total
Shipping & Order Information
Name *
Company Name
EMail (for notification of updates) *
Address (for shipping USPS) *
City *
State *
Zip Code/Postal Code *
Phone Number *
Professional Association (if any)
Federal Tax Software used (Enter the name of the tax product or one of the following: ProSeries, UltraTax, Drake, Lacerte, ATX, and for CCH use "ProFx", ) *
Payment Information:
Do not process my credit card until after my 30 day trial period. I understand that my payment will be processed on or after unless I cancel this order before then.
Credit Card Type (We also accept checks if you want to print this form and fax/mail it) *
Credit Card Exp Month *   Year *
Credit Card Number *
Name on credit card if different
Billing Street if different
Billing Zip if different
After you submit your order you will receive a link to our download site, and a password for installation.

HC Sharp Software, Inc.
6117 Route 113
Thetford Center, VT 05075
802-785-2993 voice
802-785-9804 fax