Community and Society Archive
Here you will find a backlist of Community and Society articles. Just click and
Donna Rosenthal,
Faith, Women And Philanthropy: An Opportunity
Steve Greenberg, The Need to Belong (02-07-03)
Ruth Messinger, Jewish Service: A New Option for 21st Century
American Judaism (12-11-02)
Daniel Brenner, What If We All Lived
"Until 120"? (11-27-02)
Josh Mailman, Highly Leveraged Social Change (11-15-02)
David Kraemer, A
Wrongheaded Assumption (10-18-02)
Robert Neborsky, The Changing Us (10-11-02)
Shari Cohen, Beyond
the Silence: New Conversations about Israels Future (9-19-02)
Riv-Ellen Prell, Memory vs. Markets, The Future
of Jewish Identity (9-13-02)
Steve Greenberg, Trembling Before God on Yom
Kippur (9-13-02)
Daniel Brenner, The Future of Foreskin
Elizabeth Cole, The Future of American Memory
Adam Pertman, Adoption in America (7-03-02)
Dan Reingold, How Will Baby Boomers Age?
Arlene Skolnick, Toward a New Cultural Common
Sense (6-14-02)
David Brotherton, "Family Values" and
the Latin Queens (5-30-02)
Dorian Solot, No Ring To It: Considering A
Less-Married Future (5-24-02)
Tsvi Blanchard, Five Qualities of Successful
Religious Leadership (5-9-02)
Laura Katzive, Shaping a Future for Women in
their Families and Tribes: An Activists View (4-26-02)
Libby Garland, The Genealogy of Genealogy:
Present, Past and Future (2-25-02)
Daniel Brenner, A Religious Shrine at Ground Zero? (2-13-02)
David Kraemer, In Defense of Babel
Daniel Brenner, Why Is This Thanksgiving
Different From All Others? (11-21-01)
Libby Garland, Tracking
Dangerous Aliens Among Us, Then and Now (11-9-01)
Jennifer Krause, Is it Real or is it Memorex? A
Shabbat Riddle (10-26-01)
Janet Kirchheimer, How I Got Converted
David Kraemer, Beyond Osmosis
-- Creating Intentional Jewish Community
Daniel Brenner, Thou Shalt Turn
Off Thy Cell Phone
Andrew Silow-Carroll, Set 'em
up Joe: The Synagogue as Corner Cafe
Brad Hirschfield, Public Life,
Public Confession and Yom Kippur
Andrew Silow-Carroll, American
Jews Finding Meaning in Non-Traditional Behaviors
Irwin Kula and Brad Hirschfield, Why the General Assembly is Holy Ground
Shari Cohen, Bach, Talmud and
Civic Engagement
Daniel Brenner, Is it Kosher to
Light a Mickey Mouse Menorah?
Michael Gottsegen, The Return
of the Jewish Cosmopolitan
Robert Rabinowitz, The Power
of a Street Artist
Jennifer Krause, Let My People
Go Fetch
David Nelson, Say What You
Mean, Mean What You Say
Tsvi Blanchard, The Jewish
"Community" -- Take Two
Irwin Kula, Jewishness in a
New Era: Continuity, Discontinuity or Transformation?
Shari Cohen, The Clock of the
Long Now
Brad Hirschfield, Washington
is our Shushan, Purim is our Day
Steve Greenberg, Mechitza
and Community
Jennifer Krause, One Day it was the Park, the Next the Parka
Daniel Brenner, 'Birthright
Israel' Now Arriving
Robert Rabinowitz, Believing
David Kraemer, The Human Need
for Community: Cyberspace or Face-to-Face?
Daniel Brenner, South
Carolina Uber Alles
Shari Cohen, Reality
TV: But Who's Watching the Watchers?
Vanessa Ochs, The
Spiritual Embrace of the Cyber-Community
David Kraemer, The
Individual and the Community, Not One at the Expense of the Other
Janet Kirchheimer,Kaddish
and Unlikely Places
Shari Cohen, The
Limits of Words
Brad Hirschfield, Havdallah
at the Reichstag
Libby Garland, The
Future of the Cyber-Commons: To What End? In Whose Interest?
David Nelson, How to
Talk Your Way into a Community
Michael Gottsegen, A
Renewed Politics of Communal Solidarity
Michael Gottsegen, Israelis
and the Jewish Tradition: An Ancient People Debates its Future
David Kraemer, The
Dog Walkers' Minyan
Jennifer Krause, Exodus
Daniel Brenner, Surviving
'Survivor' and the Temptation of 'Temptation Island'
Steve Greenberg, Shabbat
for the World
Tsvi Blanchard, Religion
and Politics in Search of a New Language and a New Vision
Robert Rabinowitz, Rabbis
as Directors, Jews on the Cutting Room Floor
David Kraemer, What I
Learned from a Parking Ticket
Vanessa Ochs, When
Jews Make End of Life Decisions
Shari Cohen, Markets
and More?
Libby Garland, Dispatches from a
Jewish Studies Conference
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