CLAL Photos Archive
Here you will find a backlist of CLAL Photographs.
Compassionate Leadership
Dialogue with Queen Noor, The Sakyong and Rabbi Kula, September 24, 2008
Rabbi Irwin Kula traveled to
Rwanda in June, 2008
Rabbi Irwin Kula at
the launch of the Tony Blair Faith Foundation, 5/30/08
Rabbi Irwin
Kula on a journey to Bhutan, May 2008
Rabbi Irwin
Kula, Queen Noor of Jordan and The Sakyong Mipham Rinpoche July 2007
Irwin Kula, Queen Noor, the Dalai Lama and Sakyong Mipham Rinpoche
Tsvi Blanchard meets the Pope
Rabbi Brad Hirschfield
host of Building Bridges: Abrahamic Perspectives on the World Today
(Season II)
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