The JavaScript calculator on this page is based on
equations taken from the book Hovercrafting as a Hobby, by James Perozzo.
If you do not know how to use the results, you may want to purchase a copy of Mr.
Perozzo's book. It provides complete information on hovercraft design.
Notice: Calculations assume a rectangular platform with a
slope or wedge shape at the front. To use the calculator without returning to
this site, save the entire page to your drive. Please do not repost without
permission. Calculator is the property of Alex Olshove.
Neither Robert Q. Riley Enterprises, LLC. nor Alex Olshove can assume any liability for the
proper operation of any hovercraft based on results obtained from this calculator.
Calculator provides approximations only. |

Step 1: Lift System Calculations
Enter data in the following four fields, then press the "Calculate" button.
Answers will appear in the "Results Lift System Calculations" table
Metric Conversions
American Units |
Metric Units |
0.394 Inches |
1 Centimeter |
1.093 Yards |
1 Meter |
0.621 Miles |
1 Kilometer |
0.035 Ounces |
1 Gram |
0.0022 Pounds |
1 Gram |
2.20 Pounds |
1 KiloGram |
0.264 Gallons |
1 Liter |