Jewish Toolbox/Holiday Archive

Looking for some insights or new rituals for an upcoming holiday? Here we index the articles which have appeared in Jewish Toolbox that pertain to the holy days, both Jewish and American, that mark the way stations along the circle of the year.

Just click on the article title below to bring it up in your browser.

Rosh Chodesh

CLAL Faculty, Celebrating Rosh Chodesh


Rosh Hashanah

CLAL Faculty, Casting Away Our Sins (Tashlich)

CLAL Faculty, Hearing the Shofar


Yom Kippur



CLAL Faculty, Building a Sukkah

CLAL Faculty, Waving the Lulav and Etrog

CLAL Faculty, Taking Down the Sukkah


Simchat Torah

CLAL Faculty, Dancing with the Torah



CLAL Faculty, Lighting the Menorah

CLAL Faculty, Rededicating Your Home on Chanukah



CLAL Faculty, Spring-Cleaning the Soul for Pesach

CLAL Faculty, Removing Chametz from a House for Pesach

CLAL Faculty, Searching for the Afikoman

CLAL Faculty, Counting the Omer


Yom Ha'atzmaut

CLAL Faculty, Yom Ha'atzma'ut


Yom Yerushalayim

CLAL Faculty, Visiting Jerusalem



CLAL Faculty, Studying Together on Shavuot

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