Politics and Policy Archive
Here you will find a backlist of Politics and Policy articles. Just click and
Michael Gottsegen, Zero Point Seven (11-19-04)
Daniel Brenner, Shooting Iraq (03-07-03)
David Kraemer, For an Open, Democratic Debate Concerning Israels
Policies (12-30-02)
Madeline Lee, Fixing Democracy,
Empowering the Grass Roots (12-6-02)
Michael Gottsegen, Religion and Politics Today, Tearing Down Walls,
Building Bridges (11-8-02)
Tsvi Blanchard, Reason and Politics:
Maimonides, Television and the Political Imagination (10-11-02)
Michael Gottsegen, Kol Nidrei, Release and Renewal (9-13-02)
Tsvi Blanchard, Beating Ploughshares into Swords: A New Jewish
Politics After 9-11? (6-28-02)
Robert Rabinowitz, Would Isaiah Approve of Emissions Trading?
Shari Cohen, Balancing Openness and
Vigilance (6-7-02)
David Kraemer, War and Dissent: A Prophetic Tradition (4-19-02)
Steve Greenberg, Chosenness (3-6-02)
Libby Garland, Letter from Riga: Cold Light Is Cast On Dark History
Of a Baltic Nation (1-10-02)
Daniel Brenner, John Ashcroft and The Tricky Politics of Death
Shari Cohen, Looking Fearlessly
into an Uncertain Future (11-16-01)
Robert Malley, Faith and Terror (11-9-01)
David Kraemer, What Justice Would Demand (11-1-01)
Shepard Forman, A Jewish Perspective on East Timor
David Nelson, We're not in Kansas Anymore
Shari Cohen, The Emptying of Cities
Steve Greenberg, Gay Teens and Jewish Schools
David Kraemer, Judaism, Culture and Intolerance
Andrew Silow-Carroll, Top Story: The $17,500 Birthday
Tsvi Blanchard, Classical Jewish Texts and
Contemporary Public Policy: Bridging the Divide
Shari Cohen, Naming and Framing
Daniel Brenner, Fatherhood's Cold War
Michael Gottsegen, When the Walls of Strict
Separation Come Tumblin' Down
Robert Rabinowitz, Formulating Jewish Responses to
the Environmental Crisis
Andrew Silow-Carroll, Ode to the "West
Wing": TV Offers a Lesson in Religion and Politics
Brad Hirschfield, When Words Collide: Lessons in
Pluralism from a Palestinian Poet
Vanessa Ochs, Interfaith Judaica: The
"Kosher-Style" Ketubah
Shari Cohen, Is Politics Becoming Irrelevant?
Tsvi Blanchard, Education After the Melting Pot: One
Jewish View
Steve Greenberg, The Pope's Apology and the Grounds
of Forgiveness
Shari Cohen, Whats New? And Whats New
About Whats New?
Vanessa Ochs, Walls Within Community
Michael Gottsegen, The Death Penalty in America:
Unjustified Violence?
Daniel Brenner, Two Young Arabs Who May Shape Jewish
Brad Hirschfield, There is no Story Here
Steve Greenberg, Defining the Problem
Robert Rabinowitz, There's More Than One Way
To Tell Any Story
Michael Gottsegen, Arafat's Moment of Truth
Michael Gottsegen, From Tiresome to Tantalizing: What an Election!
Tsvi Blanchard, Coming Clean on the Consumer Society
Daniel Brenner, The Year of the Jew: Why 2000 Was the Most
Important Year for Jews Since 1948
Brad Hirschfield, Reviving the Prophetic Imagination, Sharing the
Temple Mount
David Kraemer, Context and Critique: A Closer Look at Greenberg's
"Offensive Speech"
Libby Garland, Jewish Futures, Past and Present
Shari Cohen, To Russia and Back: Learning from the
Jennifer Krause, Sacrifices
Irwin Kula, Lessons of the Rich Scandal: A Call for Ethics
Daniel Brenner, A Two Sapling Solution
Walter Ruby, Of Prophet and Loss: Whither Sharansky's Heroic
David Kraemer, Freeing the Press
Michael Gottsegen, For God and Country: Transcendence and Public
Michael Gottsegen, A Jewish Contribution to American Politics
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