
On this page you will find articles that focus on those chance or passing moments in our personal lives that appear to be outwardly small but are significant nonetheless for their influence upon our mood, our feelings of connection with others, and our spiritual lives.

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Starting To Work Out

Maybe it was your own idea to begin exercising (again). Maybe your doctor warned you that you had no other choice. Either way, you’ve made a sacred commitment: you will choose to choose life. And you’re going to keep that commitment, today, and the next day and the next…


Each extra step on the treadmill, the stair-master, each lap in the pool or around the track, each turn of the pedal, lift of the weights, each stretch of muscles long out of use…in each bead of sweat and panting breath I praise you—b’chol atzmotai—with all my bones, for allowing my body to affirm life.
Teach me discipline, teach me desire, teach me to be a loving guardian of the body you have given me.


As you stand on the treadmill, the stair-master, the bicycle, praise God, who allows you to firm your steps and affirm your commitments to choose life.


(Each time you begin to work out)

Barukh atah asher bara et ha’adam b’chochmah.

Blessed are You holy one who has created the human body in wisdom.

(As you begin this new training program)

Barukh atah ozer Yisrael b’gvurah.

Blessed are You, Holy One, who girds this Israelite with strength.

(When you join a new gym)

Barukh atah she-asah li kol tzarki

Blessed are You, Holy One our God, Sovereign of the Universe who has provided for all my needs.

(When you have completed your workout)

Barukh atah ha-notein la-yaef koach.

Blessed are you, Holy One, who revives me.


"Since the body’s good health and physical perfection are divine qualities, it is impossible to comprehend God when one is afflicted with illness, therefore, a person must distance oneself from things which harm the body and conduct oneself in ways that lead to health." (Maimonides, Mishneh Torah, Laws of Knowledge 4:1)

"A genuine blessing is that a person should be healthy and sound of body so that they can find delight in God’s abundant creation." (Or HaChayim)
Not as much as the synagogue of house of study, perhaps, but the workout-gym is also a place for the pursuit of the holy. God has given us bodies to keep and use, and the good that our bodies can do will not be brought about if we do not work to keep them healthy. Nor will our intelligence thrive in a body stricken with illness. Thus it is our responsibility, to the extent possible, to stay in shape. Saying a berakhah before getting on the treadmill would be fully appropriate. (David Kraemer)

Barukh atah ha’meikhin mitzadei gaver.

Blessed are You who guides us in our path.

(CLAL Faculty)


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