
On this page you will find articles that focus on those chance or passing moments in our personal lives that appear to be outwardly small but are significant nonetheless for their influence upon our mood, our feelings of connection with others, and our spiritual lives.

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Falling In Love

Jacob went to the well, I read,
But its mouth was blocked by a stone,
So he spoke with the other shepherds.
In the distance,
Rachel, with her father's flock, approached.

She saw him, and he her.
Before he spoke,
He rolled away the stone.
She approached him and they kissed.
Then he wept.

But it is the stone that I remember,
Rolling away the stone that I thought
would be there forever,
Opening myself up to the deep waters.


May we fully celebrate this love, allowing it to blossom and keeping open to its possibilities. God of our ancestors, may You be present in our lives and our love.


As you celebrate an anniversary of an important relationship, recall "the well" at which you first met, and tell each other the story of your falling in love. Toast l’chaim, rejoicing in your lives and your love. Describe the new "wells" that deepen your love, the different ways you nourish and strengthen each other. Bless each other, and receive the blessing of those who join in your celebration.


(Bless each other)

Barukh Shebara ahavah v’achavah v’shalom v’rei’ut.

Blessed is the One who creates love, harmony, peace and companionship.

(Bless those whose love for each other you celebrate.)

Grant perfect joy to these loving companions.

Barukh Ha’mesameach rei’im ha’ahuvim.

Blessed is the One who creates and sustains the joy of your love.


And Rebeccah lifted up her eyes when she saw Isaac….
(Genesis 24:64)

When Jacob saw Rachel…he kissed Rachel, and lifted up his voice and wept.
(Genesis 29:10—11)

My dove, in the hidden places of the rock, in the secret places of the cliff, let me see your face, let me hear your voice, for your voice is sweet and your presence is lovely.

(Song of Songs 1:14)

Yeshakeini m’nishikot pihu, ki tovim dodekha mi’yayin.

Kiss me with the kisses of your mouth, for your love is better than

(CLAL Faculty)


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