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Naming a Community

When it comes time to select and officially a new synagogue, havurah, JCC or other group, we hope the name we have selected will embody all the dreams and ideals we are striving for.



May our name be associated with Torah, compassion and deeds of righteousness. As our community journeys forward, may we be brought safely throught the challenges of each stage of our growth and development.



Print, carve or embroider the name you have chosen into a plaque, wall hanging or community book and have everyone sign as witnesses to the new name. When new members join your community, they will have to opportunity to add their own names.



(When the community has gathered to hear the new name given:)

May we be known throughout Israel as __________. May this building become a place of greatness.

Yehi shem mevorakh

May this name become a blessed name.

Barukh atah shehakol bara l’ichvodo.

Blessed is the one who creates glorious opportunities.

Mi shebeirach...

May the One who blessed our ancestors bless all those who come to dedicate this building today.

V’yishlach brakha v’c hatzlacha b’chol ma’asei yedeinu, v’nomar, amen.

And may all that we strive to so be blessed with success, and we say:




"And the Lord God formed out of the earth all the wild beasts and all the birds of the sky, and brought them to Adam to see what he would call them; and whatever the man called each living creature, that would be his name.

(Genesis 2:19)


"And you should take two onyx stones and carve onto them the names of the children of Israel."

(Exodus 28:9)


"God, Israel, Jerusalem, and Torah, have seventy names each."

(Midrash HaGadol I, 678)


(CLAL Faculty)


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