Spotlight on CLAL ArchiveWelcome to Spotlight on CLAL. Here you will find stories about what's happening at CLAL and about the work that CLAL is doing across North America. Sometimes we will focus on a program, or a special event, or upon a CLAL faculty member's work and interests. Bookmark this page if you want to get to know us better. To access the Spotlight on CLAL Archive, click here.To join the conversation at Spotlight on CLAL Talk, click here.![]() CLAL SACRED DAYS CALENDAR CELEBRATES THE BLESSINGS OF DAILY LIFE
By Judy Epstein, Director of Public AffairsJust in time for the High Holidays, CLAL-The National Jewish Center for Learning and Leadership's new inspirational, thought-provoking calendar is now available. With the theme of Shehecheyanu: Reaching Each Moment, it offers a series of illuminating rituals, meditations, blessings and Jewish teachings for every day moments and occasions. Available for holiday gift-giving, the Sacred Days 5761-5762 Calendar features collected writings by CLAL's faculty of interdenominational rabbis and scholars. The pieces provide new rituals for every day life, and represent a wide range of thought on daily practice and events reflecting CLAL's vision for a dynamic, pluralist Jewish future. Topics range from honoring Jewish traditions and holidays to finding hope in a time of illness and traveling to a new place. Spiral-bound and spanning 16 months, the calendar offers daily planning in a weekly format. "Today, we are freer than before to choose the language and gestures we use to mark Shehecheyanu moments," said Rabbi Irwin Kula, President of CLAL. "Making the choice to mark our lives in Jewish ways adds to them, giving us rootedness and the spiritual energy of being connected to a people with sacred ways and sacred times." The calendar also includes all Jewish holidays and Torah readings for Shabbat, candle-lighting times for 14 cities in North America and Israel, and special readings for Jewish holidays. Copies of the Sacred Days calendar can be ordered by sending a check or money order for $15.00 (includes postage and handling) to CLAL Sacred Days Calendar, 440 Park Avenue South, 4th Floor, New York, N.Y. 10016-8012. Credit card orders may be placed by telephone, 212-779-3300. For orders of 20 or more, the cost is $10.00 per copy.
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