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Remembering for Life:  Honoring the Past, Guaranteeing the Future

A New Resource on the Shoah that Celebrates Life

Memory is about choice. We can remember in ways that provoke pain or that challenge us to take from the past lessons that will help us to live more fully and create a better world today. REMEMBERING FOR LIFE, a new resource for rabbis and synagogues from CLAL, does just that. A compilation of stories gathered from the Survivors of the Shoah Visual History Foundation’s collection of over 52,000 interviews, it allows people who have experienced life at its worst to teach us about life at its best.

This moving volume is organized as a beautiful addition to the weekly Torah readings. The stories, matched to the themes of the week’s parshas, teach about life from men and women from across the globe  survivors, liberators, hidden children, and resistance fighters  who share a unique capacity to teach us about life and the importance of memory in ways that point as much to the future as to the past. In addition, selections are included for several of the holidays.

This exceptional book, inspired by the vision of Sherman Jacobson and through the generous support of a large group of caring donors, offers rabbis a new way to bring the memory of the Holocaust to a younger generation – one that will not be able to rely on the direct experience of the survivors to help understand what happened during the nightmare. Conceived and edited by Rabbi Brad Hirschfield, CLAL’s Vice President, each short passage provides the opportunity to understand the lessons of the Shoah as lessons of life, not death.

Read alone or as part of the weekly service, this special resource presents a new way to honor memory, providing a unique reflection on each week’s teaching. But whether interpreted alone or with the community, REMEMBERING FOR LIFE will make each week’s Torah portion come alive, creating new memory and wisdom.

For rabbis and synagogues interested in buying a copy of REMEMBERING FOR LIFE, please send a check for $18 (includes postage and handling) to CLAL, 440 Park Avenue South, 4th Floor, New York, NY 10016-8012. For orders of 25 or more, the cost is $15 per copy. Credit card orders may be placed by telephone at 212-779-3300, ext. 104


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