This Ritual Life Archive
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Here you will find out about ways to enhance your holiday experience, to celebrate or
mark a meaningful life cycle event, and to deepen your experience of the everyday.
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Celebrating Rosh Chodesh
A story is told: A few months shy of the year 2000, college-age women
invite me to come to their Rosh Chodesh group celebration. They have candles
ready to light, prayers copied, cookies and fruits that are shaped in
moon-like slivers. They invite us to introduce ourselves to each other by
our English names, our Hebrew names, and the names of as many ancestors as
we can recall. Some of the women have never been to a Rosh Chodesh
celebration, and the student-host explains that Jewish women getting
together on Rosh Chodesh is an ancient tradition. Like our ancestors, she
continues, we say prayers, study Torah, learn about the holidays, and learn
about ourselves.
I am very lucky, I decide, to have lived long enough to see an ancient
tradition become an ancient tradition once again.
Allow the events and images of the past month run through your mind. From
the many memories, choose two that you wish to take with you into the next
month. Remember something you learned from them.
Imagine being cleansed of all that was difficult during the past month,
letting go of anger and disappointment. Would it be possible to forgive
yourself for what you failed to accomplish and for what you were not yet
able to be?
Alone, or better yet, with friends or family, light a candle on the eve
of the New Moon, taking all the time you need to look deeply into the flame,
time to become centered and renewed. You might light an ordinary candle, a
wick floating in oil over water, or a long-burning candle. Celebrate the New
Moon with study, music and good foods.
(Lighting a candle)
Blessed are You who gives us the New Moon,
This a sign of beginning anew.
Blessed are You,
As we start all over again.
New Moon, ancient light-
May my spirit rise to you,
In [name of new month]’s sky.
(Marcia Falk, Book of Blessings)
God makes the moon to mark the seasons;
The sun knows when to set.
You bring on darkness and it is night,
When all the bests in the forest stir.
(Psalms 104:19-20)
You have granted your people New Moon festivals as a time of atonement
throughout the generations.
(Rosh Chodesh blessing)
The women heard about the construction of the Golden Calf and refused to
submit their jewelry to their husbands. Instead the said to them, "You want
to construct an idol and mask which is an abomination and has no power to
redeem? We will not listen to you." And the Holy One rewarded them in this
world in that they would observe the New Moons more than men, and in the
next world, in that they would be renewed like the New Moons.
(Pirke DeRabbi Eliezer, chapter 45)
Chodesh tov! A good month!
(CLAL Faculty)
CLAL's National Jewish Resource Center develops and publishes rituals that
help to bridge the gap between our contemporary lives and the ancient wisdom of the Jewish
tradition. We invite you to become a partner with us in thinking about the place of ritual
in our lives and in developing new ritual resources for our time. If you are interested in
being part of this exciting endeavor, visit with us in the Ritual Resource Area
of the CLAL website by clicking here.
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