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Spring-Cleaning The Soul For Passover
Considering the thoroughness of some people’s Passover housecleaning it
is possible that they will find no stray crumbs when they perform bidikat
chametz, the ritual pre-Passover feather-and-candle-light examination
for leaven. But for all of us—whether we be fastidious or lackluster
Passover cleaners—when we turn inwards and examine our souls for Passover,
we are bound to discover ample "chametz of the soul"—evidence
of ways we oppress and have been oppressed.
May my examination for "chametz of the soul" permit me to discover
paths toward true freedom, allowing me to attend to those that are oppressed
or made invisible or voiceless. Allow me to look beyond the narrow confines
of myself and toward others, as we clean away hardness from our hearts, so
true human freedom prevails.
A spring cleaning of the soul permits us to interpret "chametz" as
all evidence of oppression that we are commanded to ferret out of our social
environment. Oppression, of course, is not easy to discern, as it is rarely
obvious. The mitzvah of bidikat chametz teaches that the work of
liberation begins with careful attention to the barely audible groans of the
oppressed among us. And we look inside ourselves as well: we search for
hidden sins, petty pride, and stubborn self-importance. Each of us, in our
own way, can remove that which blocks our fullest freedom.
You bless us with the commandment to remove all chametz from our
homes; may it be your will that we find the way to remove the chametz
of our souls, finding freedom.
We were slaves of Pharaoh in Egypt and the Eternal our God brought us out
from there with a strong hand and an outstretched arm…and now we are free. (Haggadah)
In an expansion of the metaphor, chametz became a symbol of what
is allowed to stand around. Chametz signified staleness and deadening
routine; getting rid of it became the symbol of freshness and life growth.
Since Passover occurs in the spring, the total cleaning of the house to
eliminate leaven was easily expanded to a comprehensive spring-cleaning.
Throwing out accumulated staleness and the dead hand of winter…became a
psychological backdrop for reenacting emancipation. Thus, the housecleaning
became part of a cosmic process. (Yitz Greenberg, The Jewish Way)
Most of us think of freedom as a lack of obstacles in our way. Doing what
we want would seem to define freedom. But it appears that the Rabbis take a
different perspective: The teach that while Passover celebrates the freedom
from external oppressors, it also marks a freedom from the kind of
self-centered arrogance typified by Pharaoh and symbolized by leavened
bread. Freedom is an inward movement, urging the self out of its narrow
concerns (mitzra’im) and onto the great plains of sand toward
a new Promised Land. (Steve Greenberg)
Kasher l’pesach
Kosher for Passover
(CLAL Faculty)
CLAL's National Jewish Resource Center develops and publishes rituals that
help to bridge the gap between our contemporary lives and the ancient wisdom of the Jewish
tradition. We invite you to become a partner with us in thinking about the place of ritual
in our lives and in developing new ritual resources for our time. If you are interested in
being part of this exciting endeavor, visit with us in the Ritual Resource Area
of the CLAL website by clicking here.
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