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Seeing Natural Wonders
I had seen spectacular mountains in the Alps, the Rockies in Colorado. I didnt
think Yosemite would be much different. More mountains, maybe some waterfalls I thought,
and it will all be nice at least Ill get out of the city. Driving from San
Francisco through the dry heat of the desert, we pulled into the heart of Yosemite park as
the sun began to set. We got out of the car and our mouths dropped open. What we saw:
trees five time bigger than any Ive ever seen, spectacular rocks climbing to the
heavens, waterfalls cascading into lush valleys. We were struck silent.
Hishtachavu Lashem bhadrat kodesh
The world is Gods intensely holy place. Hear Gods voice in the waters, in
the thunder. Hear Gods voice in the tall trees, in the forest, in the wilderness.
Kol Hashem bco-ach kol Hashem bhadar
Hear Gods voice in power; in beauty. (adapted Psalm 29)
Silence. Imagine taking off your shoes, allowing your feet to touch the ground. As you
witness the majestic beauty of high mountains, vast deserts, sunrises, lightening and
shooting stars, you stand on holy ground.
Barukh atah oseh maaseh vreshit.
Praised are You, renewer of the works of creation.
Let me be attentive to the wonder of your world.
"And God called the dry places earth and the water-springs God called
seas; and God saw that it was good." (Genesis 1:10)
"The skies will rejoice, the earth vibrate with celebration, the sea roar with
its full force, the fields sing out, the trees of the forest cry out in
ecstasy." (Psalm 96)
"Every blade of grass has a guardian above it." (Zohar 1:34a)
"Most of the time that people speak of natural wonder they think of grandeur
oceans and mountains and forests
so it is good to be reminded that in looking
into the delicate workings of nature the development of a lily, the butterfly wing,
the tiny blades of grass on the lawn we also find breathtaking beauty." (DB)
On seeing mountains, hills, seas, rivers an deserts, one should say "Blessed is
the One who creates." (Brakhot 9:1)
Barukh atah shekakhah lo bolamo.
Praised are You who has created such beauty in Your world.
(CLAL Faculty)
CLAL's National Jewish Resource Center develops and publishes rituals that
help to bridge the gap between our contemporary lives and the ancient wisdom of the Jewish
tradition. We invite you to become a partner with us in thinking about the place of ritual
in our lives and in developing new ritual resources for our time. If you are interested in
being part of this exciting endeavor, visit with us in the Ritual Resource Area
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