Torah This Week
Welcome to Torah This Week, where you will find thoughts and reflections by CLAL
faculty and associates on the Torah portion of the week.

(Genesis 32:4 - 36:43)
After years of contention, Jacob and Esau are reconciled. Their relationship is
somewhat awkward, and they will never be the closest of brothers. Still, for the first
time each can accept the other as he is; each can see the other's wealth without coveting
it. What has changed? How can two people who tricked and threatened to kill each other
During their boyhood, Esau and Jacob were in fierce competition. Each was beloved by
one parent, but felt the other was the favored child. Each wanted what the other had.
Esau, skilled in providing himself with game, wanted Jacob's pottage. Jacob, reportedly a
simple man, wanted the greatness promised by birthright and blessing. Nothing was
worthwhile unless it belonged to the other. Esau only values his birthright and blessing
after Jacob has acquired them. They are children competing for their parents' attention
and gifts. Each is too needy to acknowledge the other's needs.
When they are reunited, Esau and Jacob have overcome their neediness. Each has a
family, retainers and possessions acquired through his own efforts. Jacob, who has always
gained at Esau's expense, offers him a gift. Esau refuses, saying, "I have enough, my
brother; let what have remain yours" (Gen. 33:9). Jacob insists, claiming, "God
has favored me and I have plenty" (33:11). Each of the brothers is now able to
recognize how much he has; secure in themselves, they have no need to envy each other.
Each of us is constantly striving to achieve some goal. Absorbed in our efforts, we
sometimes lose sight of how much we already have. We envy the achievements of others
rather than appreciate our own. Only when we learn to value what we are, can we live at
ease with others. Esau and Jacob can be reconciled when they realize in the words of
Pirkei Avot, "Who is rich? One who is happy with his portion."
(Dvora Weisberg)

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