Current Programs

At CLAL we are committed to employing the latest technologies to enhance our programming in communities across North America. To this end, we are creating on line meeting places so you can continue the conversations that began when our faculty was in your community. We will also use the web to give you access to curricular and supplementary materials.

Because the CLAL community is at once local and national, we have created two ways for you to participate in the ongoing conversation, one local and one national, one which permits you to engage with other participants in your local CLAL program and one which permits you to engage with participants in CLAL programs in cities across North America.


National Conversations

If you are currently enrolled in an ongoing CLAL program in your community, you are eligible to participate in the national conversation that is associated with your program.

To join the ongoing conversation click on the national program title below that is associated with your local program.

(If you do not know which national program title is associated with your local CLAL program, click here.

Transforming the Jewish World
Leadership at the Crossroads

To be eligible to participate in these discussions, you must be a member of an ongoing CLAL program and must register on line in order to receive the password that will protect the privacy of the on line conversation. If you are a member of an ongoing CLAL program, but have not yet registered, you can do so below

If you have previously registered but have forgotten your password, click here to send an email to CLAL for your password. Be sure to include your name, the title of your CLAL program and your locality.


Local Conversations

We are phasing in this program over time, so it may be that your local CLAL group does not yet have an online meeting place. If your group is already online, you will find its name in the list below. If you do not find it, do not worry, it is coming soon. You will be kept informed through your group's community coordinator.

Click on the name of your city below to access your program's home page, the gateway to your group's ongoing conversations and program materials.


CLAL in Toronto
CLAL in San Diego

To be eligible to participate in these discussions, you must be a member of an ongoing CLAL program and must register on line in order to receive the password that will protect the privacy of the on line conversation. If you are a member of an ongoing CLAL program, but have not yet registered, you can do so here:

* Denotes required fields.

First Name*
Last Name*
Zip Code*
Home Phone
Work Phone
CLAL Program in which you participated*:

If you have previously registered but have forgotten your password, click here to send an email to CLAL for your password. Be sure to include your name, the title of your CLAL program and your locality.