CLAL Faculty
Rabbi Joshua Hammerman
Rabbi Joshua Hammerman's articles have appeared in
the New York Daily News, Newsday, the Atlanta
Journal-Constitution, Hartford Courant, Jerusalem Post,
Moment, and the New York Times Magazine. His column, "On
One Foot," appears in New York's Jewish Week. Author of thelordismyshephered.com:
Seeking God in Cyberspace and co-author of the children's book, I
Have Some Questions About God, Rabbi Hammerman's Shabbat-O-Gram
e-newsletter has an international following.
Rabbi Hammerman graduated magna cum laude from Brown
University, earned a Master's Degree in Journalism from NYU and a Master's
and Rabbinic Ordination from the Jewish Theological Seminary. He is
the spiritual leader of Temple Beth El in Stamford, Conn.
Email Rabbi Joshua Hammerman.
