CLAL Faculty
Rabbi Jill Hammer
Rabbi Jill Hammer is the author of The Jewish Book
of Days: A Companion for All Seasons (a finalist for the National Jewish
Book Award), and Sisters at Sinai: New Tales of Biblical Women. She
is the director of Tel Shemesh, a website and community celebrating and
creating Jewish rituals related to the earth, and the co-founder of Kohenet,
a program in innovative Jewish women's spiritual leadership. A renowned
adult educator, Rabbi Hammer is an instructor at CLAL, the Academy for
Jewish Religion, Nehirim, and the JCC in Manhattan. She teaches around the
country on ancient and contemporary midrash, the Jewish calendar, ritual,
mysticism, and other subjects. Rabbi Hammer is a poet and essayist and has
been published in journals, anthologies, and newspapers such as the
Jewish Spectator, Lilith, Zeek, Best Jewish Writing
2002, and the Jewish Week. She has been the editor of Living
Text: The Journal of Contemporary Midrash, and Journey.
Email Rabbi Jill Hammer
